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How to open a dōTERRA account?

(this page will remain open for you in case of need)


and follow these simple steps:

1) What is your preferred language? select:Italian

2) Where will your products be shipped? select:Europe>>Italy>> continue

3) To purchase dōTERRA products select the "privileged customer"(on the price list see" wholesale)

This way you will get thediscounted prices of 25%compared to a customer who purchases directly on the dōTERRA site without opening an account

4) Enter yourspersonal datafilling in the fields with a red asterisk including the shipping address

5) Under "enter ID enroller" and under "enter your sponsor's ID" you will find thecode: 2453231.

This is our ID! You will join a group of natural wellness enthusiasts and benefit from our assistance and training including online meetings and webinars on essential oils.

6)CreateAndConfirm password>> continue

7) Click on the box whereyou accept the contractual conditions of sale 

No restrictions EVER, obligations, deadlines or unfair clauses of any kind. Your dōTERRA Account will give you all the freedom in the world! These are basically standard clauses, mandatory by law to protect both parties applied by all e-commerce sites such as Amazon, Ebay etc.

You can of course close your account at any time, without any obligation on your part or cost of any kind.

On the next page you can choose between two options:

a) select the registration method "Essential booklet"at a cost of € 25 which includes theregistration feeand thedōTERRA catalogtranslated into Italian.

Then proceed with the selection of the individual products (option not recommended as it is less convenient unless you want to buy a single product)


b) choose the purchase of aessential oil kit

We obviously recommend this option where, with an initial investment that can be modulated according to your needs and possibilities, you get thedouble benefitof (1) take home a selection ofuseful oils for different needsand solearn how to use them( 2 )save money, compared to the sum of the purchase of individual oils up to € 92 (depending on the kit you choose).

In addition, the registration fee of € 25 is discounted from the total amount of the purchase thereforeFREE SUBSCRIPTION!

8) To add more products, enter them in the blank line below the kit (writing for example diffuser Pilot, Fractionated Coconut Oil, etc) continue >>

Once you have made your choice, you can proceed with the payment:

  • throughcredit card(including prepaid cards such as Postepay etc): the order is immediately processed and sent within 1/3 working days (recommended option)

  • throughBank transfer: this option provides for the order to be sent after receipt of payment (approximately one week).


Below you will find a screen where you can schedule a monthly order if you want.

The monthly order orLRP(Loyalty Reward Program, the loyalty program  dōTERRA) offers you additional benefits such asfree dōTERRA products every monthand the possibility ofaccumulate pointsto be used for future purchases.

As previously mentioned,LRP It's not mandatoryand this step can be safely ignored as it can also be set later.

Choose the shipment you prefer:

  • Standard shipping via BRT courier, delivery in about 5 days

  • Premium shipping with DHL express courier, delivery in max 3 working days

Shipping costs are ALWAYS reimbursed in POINTS to your account and you can use them as cash for subsequent purchases.

If you need helpyou can contact thedōTERRA customer serviceItalian at number:

0426 270026 (Monday - Friday from 2pm to 10pm) remember to keep our code at hand2453231!

Do you just want to buy some products without opening an account?

No problem! _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_You will avoid paying the registration fee of 25 €and the reference prices will be indicated as"Retail"but giving up all the advantages mentioned that taken togetherdrastically reducethe cost of the productsdōTERRA.

If you choose this option go to

Do you need help? Contact us, we are here to help you! If you want to contact us and we will follow you step by step!

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Welcome bonus: when opening your account we will contact you for afree personalized (online) consultationso you can start using your essential oils and enjoy dōTERRA natural wellbeing. You will always be invited to participate, if you wish, in our introductory and in-depth webinars on essential oils!

pure essential oils © 2022

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