The essential oil extracted from the leaves oflemongrass, haantibacterial propertiesthat can be exploited for health, for beauty. Lemongrass essential oil is also beneficial in case of muscle and joint pain and rheumatism and helps to relax the nerves and relieve tension.

Scientific name:Cymbopogon winterianus
Part of the plant:Leaves
Aromatic Description:Fresh and characteristic, intense
Extraction Method:Steam distillation
Pairings:Lavender, Chamomile, Pine Mint, Eucalyptus
Origin:Sri Lanka, India
Lemongrass is perhaps the best known of the mosquito-repellent essential oils. If spread in environments it will keep mosquitoes away avoiding having to resort to toxic products. If placed in drawers, it will keep moths away, pleasantly scenting clothes.

If massaged on insect stings it will immediately give relief, disinfecting the affected part. Thanks to its action against bacteria and microbes, lemongrass is used in the treatment of colds, sinusitis, infectious diseases affecting the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems. Lemongrass can also be used to combat flea infestations when living with pets and is also a good home cleaning product, for its antibacterial and deodorizing action.
Properties and benefits of Lemongrass essential oil
✓AntibacterialThe antibacterial and balsamic properties of lemongrass essential oil can be exploited to fight flu, rhinitis, sinusitis and other respiratory problems.
✓ For imuscle and joint painLemongrass essence has an anti-inflammatory and vasodilating action and is a valid natural remedy for pain affecting muscles and joints. Lemongrass essential oil is therefore indicated in case of lumbar and neck pain, rheumatism and muscle fatigue due to excessive effort.
✓Against bad digestionWhen you suffer from colic, flatulence and gastric or intestinal dyspepsia, you can benefit from the use of lemongrass essence.
✓Repellentagainst mosquitoes and fleas As is known, lemongrass essential oil is one of the most effective natural remedies to keep mosquitoes away, but also to defend pets from fleas.

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How to use Lemongrass essential oil
1 Diffusion:Diffusing lemongrass essential oil is the best way to take advantage of most of its actions. By diluting about 15 drops in the water of the diffuser you can benefit from the actionrepellentagainst mosquitoes, eliminate bad smells from the rooms, but also relieve themtensionsaccumulated during the day thanks to the relaxing properties on the nervous system and to breathe better thanks to the actionantibacterialAndbalsamic.
2InhalationsIn case of sinusitis,cold,headache, boil a pot of hot water. Then add 5 drops of lemongrass, 5 of pine essential oil, 5 of lavender and 5 of eucalyptus. Breathe in the vapors for about a quarter of an hour, placing a towel on your head on top of the pot to retain as much steam as possible.
3MassagesLemongrass essential oil can be used to prepare massage oils or ointments to use in case ofmuscle contractures, joint pains, sinusitis and coldsin fact it is one of the ingredients used to prepare a balsamic ointment similar to tiger balm, which is used in case of sinusitis, colds, difficulty in breathing well and muscle pain. This ointment can be massaged directly on the area to be treated, for example on the chest in case of respiratory problems, on the temples to solve theheadacheor on the neck if we suffer fromcervical. Procedure: mix 40 grams of shea butter and 10 grams of sweet almond oil, helping you with a spatula to mix the two ingredients well. Add 5 drops of lemongrass, 5 of lavender, 5 of eucalyptus, 5 of rosemary and 3 drops of tea tree. Mix well and store in a clean, dry jar away from heat and direct light. Consume the product within three months of preparation.
4For petsPet owners can prevent flea infestations by applying a couple of drops of lemongrass essential oil directly to their dog's or cat's collar. Applications must be renewed frequently because essential oils are volatile and their effect is limited in time: therefore repeat the operation a couple of times a week. Lemongrass essential oil can also be poured into the kennel, pillows and places where pets usually sleep; three drops are enough for each kennel. You can also add a couple of drops of lemongrass essential oil to each tablespoon of detergent used for the dog's bath: the lemongrass essence will also have a deodorizing effect on the pet's fur, as well as repelling fleas.
5For cleaningTo disinfect and deodorize the bathroom and kitchen, prepare a spray bottle with 250 ml. of food grade alcohol in which to disperse 40 drops of essential oil of lemongrass, 20 drops of essential oil of lemon, 10 drops of essential oil of eucalyptus and 5 drops of essential oil of tea tree. Shake and behold anatural productfor cleaning ready to use for sanitary ware, taps, tiles and other washable surfaces.
WARNINGS Can create skin sensitivity problems. Keep out of reach of children. Before use, consult your doctor if you are breastfeeding or during drug treatment or if you are pregnant.